If you have a blog, you may be looking for a way to learn how to get traffic on WordPress. Without traffic, it becomes impossible for anyone to make any money from a WordPress blog. The best way to get traffic to a blog is to get it to rank high on the search engines. In order to get your WordPress blog to rank high on the search engines you must have a lot of inbound links. An inbound link is any link from another website that points towards the homepage or side page of your website.

How to Get Traffic on WordPress
If you want to learn how to get traffic on WordPress you must first learn how to create inbound links. The best way to create inbound links is to write articles and submit them to article directory websites. While you are submitting your article to the article directory website you can put a link to your website in the resource box. This link will count as one inbound link and will get Google to rank your blog slightly higher. Some of the best article directory websites include Ezine Articles, Go Articles, and Article Dashboard.
When learning how to get traffic on WordPress understanding what a social bookmark is can help. Social bookmarking sites are essentially directories of websites that people have submitted because they like them or think they are valuable. There are many different social bookmarking websites including Digg and Propeller. By submitting the link of your homepage to a social bookmarking site you are also providing yourself with a way to gain an additional inbound link. There is a big misconception that you can only submit one page of your website to a social bookmarking website. The fact of the matter is that you can submit any new page of your website to a social bookmarking website.
If you want to learn how to get traffic on WordPress you must also understand what video marketing is. Video marketing is a method of marketing that involves creating videos about your website and posting them onto video directories such as YouTube and Yahoo Videos. The first purpose that this serves is giving you a way to create more inbound links. The second purpose that this serves is giving you a way to get direct traffic to your website. Either way, if you want to get traffic on WordPress you are going to have to use all of these tactics to be successful.