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October 26, 2019 in Marketing

The Backbone of Internet Marketing

As with traditional marketing, Internet Marketing relies on a mix of four variables: product, price, place and promotion. Because of their similar first letter, they call the 4 "P." For…
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October 20, 2019 in Search Engine Optimization

5 Awful Things that People Actually Think Are True About SEO

As an SEO firm in the USA, we know damaging myths afflict companies all across the country. SEO is widely misunderstood and it's why so many companies fail to take…
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September 18, 2020 in WordPress

10 Plugins Every Blog Should Have

When I started my most recent blog, I searched the web for high-quality Wordpress plugins to install. After a lot of trial-and-error, I settled on ten well-made plugins that increased…
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February 24, 2020 in Business Website

How to Build a Better Small Business Website

Many small businesses just starting out have found that they can create a website with the various off the shelf systems and templates for a minimal cost. Many of them…
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