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February 10, 2020 in WordPress

New to Blogging? Getting Started with WordPress

Do you have a compelling need to write? To share the information inside your head with the unsuspecting public? It has never been easier to create a blog then it…
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September 25, 2019 in Marketing

The Impact of Women on the Marketing Strategy

For sales and marketing strategists, women have become a key demographic in the development of sales campaigns. With their intuitive abilities, and capability to see the big picture, women often…
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October 1, 2019 in Marketing

Niche Marketing – Eating the Cake of Profits One Piece at a Time

In the world of internet marketing As in the traditional business environment, there are thousands and thousands of little markets with a huge number of people searching to look if…
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September 6, 2019 in Website Development

The Basics of Creating an E-commerce Store

Ecommerce website development has become a good medium of earning more revenue for your business. Ecommerce websites allow you to reach to customers across the world 24 hours a day.…
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