In order to improve your website’s traffic, you need to keep an eye on it. Studying the statistical data of your website visitors will allow you to see where your viewers are coming from and how long they spend on your blog. Armed with that information, you’ll know if your marketing ideas for your blog are working or falling through the cracks. Here are the most current 5 best plugins for keeping tabs on WordPress statistics:
1.Wordpress Stat Press was the first ever real time statistics analyzer and its only improved with time. With this easily installable plugin, you’ll be able to immediately see details. WordPress Stat Press tracks and records information about visitors, spiders, search engines, feeds, browsers, key words, and more. This plugin can be activated and used from the WordPress Administration Panel. Online installation instruction and assistance can be found on the WordPress Stat Press forum.
2. WP Online Counter is a simple plugin that counts the number of current online users on your website. A detailed options menu allows you to configure how and which results are displayed.
3. General Statistics was made for website owners who want power and functionality, but not at the expense of changing their base WordPress code. With General Statistics, users are able to sign up for Performance Metrics free of charge, add a small line of tracking code to your website through the administration panel, and then view visitor data at will. General Statistics is the perfect solution for those unfamiliar with plugins or coding and design.
4. WP Stats is a highly configurable plugin with which you can display general visitor user information or a daily listing of top ten statistics. This plugin is available through your WordPress plugin directory or via WordPress.org.
5. WordPress Wassup is real-time statistics tracker. This beautiful plugin installs directly into your administration panel and enables you to view current and past visitors and their details. Their helpful online forum will ensure you’re up and running in no time.