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Tips for Choosing the Perfect WordPress Theme for Your Website

By April 16, 2020WordPress

If you are creating a website with WordPress, your theme is very important. So, what should you look for when choosing the perfect WordPress theme? Well, there are a few things you will need to consider and this article will highlight a few of those things. For tips on choosing the perfect WordPress theme continue reading this article.


The first thing you will need to take a look at is how much you can customize the theme. If you want to customize the background, header, and other areas of the theme, you will need to search for themes that allow that. If you are searching for the themes through WordPress, you have the option of checking the customization fields before searching.


If you want a theme with a built-in slider, you will need to add this option to the search you are doing. A slider will pull images from your posts and display them on your front page. It’s a great way to display your newest posts and have some images scrolling on your home page.

Reflects Your Site

Another thing you should look at is if the theme reflects your site. For example, if you have a blog that contains to books and book reviews, you don’t want to use a theme that has to do with cars. So, find a theme that has to do with what you want your blog to be about. Some themes don’t have a brand. These kind of themes can be used for any type of site.


If you want to use different features with your site, you will need to look for a WordPress theme that provides different features with it. There are many free themes that provides many features. They provide just about anything you can think of.

Those are the things you need to keep in mind when you are looking for that perfect WordPress theme for your website.