HTML5 is a new entity and not yet fully standardized but there is little doubt that this is a technology of the future and somewhat now with most major newer browsers being compatible with it already. Below are a list of resources for the novice or an already capable designer looking to get expert in HTML5. Newbies should really dive into plain old HTML first though.
Dive into HTML5: Very nice tutorial to take you from novice to functional in no time flat. The site is designed to read like a 12 chapter book. A Superb site.
APIRocks HTML5: Excellent interactive slideshow to give you an example of HTML5 in action and be educational along the way. This site will provide excellent practical HTML5 examples and offer some inspiration. This really shows off the power of HTML5.
HTML5 Demos and Examples: Very nice collection of available demos and examples … well titled if you ask me! You will find database storage examples, twitter apps, drag and drop examples and more.
Smashing Magazine: This tutorial shows you how to code an HTML Layout from scratch. Overall smashing magazine is an excellent source of stories, news, free stuff, and tutorials.
HTML5 Gallery: Once again, very descriptive title .. a gallery of sites using HTML5. This will serve as inspiration for what you want to do and the capabilities HTML5 will now deliver.
Nettuts: How you will be using both HTML5 and CSS3 to build your web apps. This site, like smashing magazine, offers extensive tutorials in written and video format on many design and programming topics.
HTML5 Doctor: Tutorials and questions answered. Lean and mean. This is a nice site in that it allows you to send questions to the authors and have them answered in a post. This is a nice way to handle the content of the site in that it solves real-world issues faced by designers and developers.
HTML5 (and other) Checklist: Findmebyip gives a colorful and useful checklist on browsers, CSS compatibility, codecs, etc. This is a handy crib sheet for the most common needs.
Google HTML5 Media page: Google’s starting point for handling HTML5 media.
Webappers Big list of cSS3 and HTML5 resources: Now we are getting into specifics. A wide list of HTML5 and CSS3 resources including tutorials aplenty.
HTML5 Pocketbook: Handy reference sheet showing how to handle the various ways of handling content in an HTML5 website.