Do you have a compelling need to write? To share the information inside your head with the unsuspecting public? It has never been easier to create a blog then it is today. Hosting is extremely affordable, and both content management software and advertising systems are high quality and often free. Every time people visit the domain you chose, they’ll be able to bear witness to the fact that you are a creative individual with plenty to say.
Domain registration
Domain registration is more affordable than ever. Some hosts may include a free domain registration with their hosting, however, I recommend registering it through an independent site as this tends to offer the best value. Namecheap is a fantastic domain service which offers registration of .com addresses for under $10 and includes free WhoIs guard (which protects your identity and the personal information you provide during registration) and an SSL certificate (a necessity if you engage in any form of monetization, advertising aside.)
Next you will need to find a host to hold your files and display them to your visitors. I recommend visiting a trade forum, such as those found at WebHosting Talk, and viewing their hosting offers. If you are just getting started with your internet presence then shared hosting (where you are hosted from a single server right alongside hundreds of other sites). You can find several fine offers WebHostingTalk. It is advised to buy hosting which makes specific storage and bandwidth promises, rather the so-called “unlimited” offers, which almost universally have actual limits of use buried in their terms and conditions. Your host will help you get your domain connected to their service. Yourweb host must also allow for MySQL databases and PHP 5.0 ot greater. If you are unsure, contact the company and they will be able to advise you. With the proliferation of WordPress the vast majority of hosting will support it.
Installing WordPress has become easier as it has increased in popularity. The standard hosting softwares will offer an automatic installation software, such as Installatron or Fantastico. The hosts will often advertise this fact in their plan information. Using one of these installations programs will make the process much more simple and rapid. It will guide you through the process, asking you to provide a username, (note: select a unique name, the standard “Admin” is considered a safety liability) and automatically create your databases.
Congratulations! You ought to have a fully operational WordPress installation. You may now login and begin the process of customization and blogging. Good luck!