To begin, you will need to find a Domain Host. Many offer free hosting when you purchase a domain name. After you decide which host you would like to use, you need to pick a domain name (this is the address people use to find you at which looks like www.YourNameHere.com). Be creative, and make the name easy to remember. You’ll want the name of the site to describe the content you are planning to include. For example, if I wanted to make a website for my construction company in Huntley, Illinois, I may choose something like www.HuntleyConstruction.com.
Once you purchase a domain name, it is yours until the specified contract ends, so congratulations on owning your own webpage!
Now that you have purchased a domain name and set up a host you need to decide if you require a web page design program or not. Since this page is geared towards people who are newer to design and don’t know html coding, a web page designer is highly recommended. Website design products can often be purchased as a package with the host and domain name. Webpage designers make creating your own page easy and convenient. I personally like to use Website Tonight which I purchased with my Godaddy.com domain. To use this program you simply go to your account, link your page to the product, and start creating. I suggest beginning with a pre-designed template. You can usually change the colors, layout, and even change any photos shown in the background.
After selecting your website design program and choosing a layout you are able to start typing any information you would like to add. It is often easier to type in Microsoft Word, etc. so you can easily edit before copying and pasting into your page. Be sure to use correct grammar and spelling. Make information easy to understand. Stick to one topic per page for easy navigation of information.
When you are finished adding information you can add additional products such as a forum, guest page, hit-counter, shopping cart, and many others. Some add-ons should be included in your website designer. Videos and pictures should also be shared.
Now that your web page has all the information and tools you want to include, you can add advertising to make money if you desire. There are many different ways to make money with a website; you can include a donation button, sell products, or use advertising that pays you every time someone clicks on it.