There are many ways to get more traffic to your blog. Some are expensive and some require a lot of work, but these methods are neither. I’m talking about wordpress plugins that will make promoting your site so much easier. These plugins will cross post your posts and let your readers do the work for you. Keep reading to find out what they are, how they work and where to get them.
In the beginning after adding this plugin, it amazed me that readers were using it so much. Whenever your readers discover intriguing items on your website, allow them to send it to a buddy or colleague–you may end up with a new devoted reader/subscriber! Try it out athttp://lesterchan.net/wordpress/readme/wp-email.html.
WordPress Email Notification Plugin
Using RSS feeds to keep up with your website’s new material isn’t for everyone. This plugin offers users an easy way of signing up for email notices via weblink. It deals with the gamut of business details and its “write post” interface includes a Notify option. Pick “yes”, and the plugin emails every person listed as soon as you hit “publish”. Emails can also be issued to your list by means of an administrative page that is also suitable for writing basic newsletters and other such endeavors.
A fair number of “share this” plugins exist. Surely you’re familiar with these functions that let readers send in their post to Digg or StumbleUpon, for example. I’ve been working with this particular plugin for a long time, yet whichever you choose isn’t important–just keep on with it!
Related Posts
Since you’ve made it this far, the odds are good you’d be interested in some of our other entries as well! Using this plugin, I am able to directly offer additional terrific articles–also concerning this subject–that you will be sure to enjoy.
Thank Me Later
What a wonderful plugin! It issues an email to each new visitor. You will be able to compose the letter to make them aware of your RSS feed, or simply to encourage readers to get in touch with you directly. I use both methods.
Tweetable This plugin is handy for me to systematically tweet from my own account each time I post a fresh entry. It’s ideal for informing each of my associates about something I’ve recently issued.