There are many newsletter options for internet business or website owners. Some opt to use a remotely hosted solution with newsletter templates in HTML. Others use their own email servers. While many people accept HTML emails, plain text is still an attractive option. Plain text newsletters are readable by anyone. The biggest trick is to design a plain text newsletter to maximize sales of your product or service.
Plain Text Newsletter Design – The Email Header
It is important to have your newsletter come from you specific domain name. This builds brand recognition and further advertises your site. Also, be sure that your newsletter mailing program allows for a general TO address instead of listing the emails of all your subscribers.
Plain Text Newsletter Design – The Friendly Introduction
Creating a personal relationship with potential customer and clients is important. Begin you plain text newsletter design with a warm greeting and a sentence or two about the weather, an upcoming holiday, your hobbies, or family. Do not make this too long! People want just enough to believe that you are a real person, and not an internet marketing automaton.
Plain Text Newsletter Design – The Bulk
Each section of your plain text newsletter design should be delineated clearly. Some people do this with a white space, others with a row of dashes or other symbol. Newsletter design should reflect the rules of writing for the web: short paragraphs, seperation, and use of lists and bullet points.
The bulk of your newsletter can be split into two parts: the content and the copy. The content is the article or information that you give your readers. The copy is the sales pitch for whatever product you are pushing.
Plain Text Newsletter Design – The Closing
Newsletter design should include a friendly closing to every newsletter. Imagine the newsletter as a letter to some friends. The closing should include your name, website link, and a further call to action. Post scripts are popular in newsletter design. They can offer a free gift, such as an ebook or report, a reminder to purchase a product, or a sneak peek at upcoming information.
Plain Text Newsletter Design – The Anti-Spam Information
Every newsletter must include anti-spam information and a method for unsubscribing from the subscription. In newsletter design for plain text, this information usually comes at the very bottom. Some people use lines or symbols such as asteriks to off-set it.
Overall, plain text newsletter design focuses on clarity, readability, and substance. Dividing sections with lines is a good choice. Using white space and lists to your advantage is ideal. Good newsletter design can maximize sales for your product or service.