Meeting Professional Standards
Law Firm Website Marketing typically consists of attracting new clients by using advertisements in the newspapers, billboards, commercials, and yellow page ads. While this conventional method is still valid, more legal practices are using technology to boost client numbers and expand their company because establishing a company that keeps up with technology is much more effective in connecting to the wide demography of internet users.
Since a majority of the world population uses the internet to get immediate information, having a professional-looking website for your law firm will validate its legitimacy. When people don’t find any information about your firm on the internet, there is no way to contact you immediately, and you end up losing potential clients who might benefit from your service.
When people look for an attorney, they will browse the net, and if they find you, your website will be their first impression. This is why having a professionally designed law firm website is essential.
Some of the benefits of having a law firm website are:
Clients Can Find You – Professional websites are equipped with SEO content, which makes them rate higher in the search engine result pages. So when a prospect is looking for “a law firm near me’’, and if you have your SEO website, they are most likely to find your page and contact you.
Setting Up a Reliable Home Base – If you are an attorney, you might have a social media page on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram where you can find numerous prospects. But social media is not a platform where people advertise a business such as a law firm because people use this platform to communicate and for recreational purposes. They are most likely to check Google for professional matters such as a law firm.
However, you can use social media to direct them to your website where they can read everything about your services and if interested, can get in touch with your firm, without you having to ask them to choose your services personally.
An Extended Business Card
You can only put limited information about your law firm on a business card, paid ads and commercials. But when you have a website that contains all the information about your company, all you have to do is have it printed out and get people visiting your site for everything they need to know and what are the services you can provide for them.
Strategies and Analyze Your Law Firm Performance
On a website, you can add features that will give you immediate feedback and a detailed analysis of how users react to your practice. Since sites are equipped with tracking and encrypting tools, it gives you an in-depth review of how well your effort is working, how you can improve your services and what to eliminate.
Save Time and Money
Imagine having to store records of all your practices and having to show them to each client whenever you try to market yourself? Daunting, isn’t it? When you have a website, you can display samples of reviews and cases you have solved to gain the trust of prospects and state the legitimacy of your firm.
Even if you feel like you don’t need a website for your law firm yet, it is evident that there are more benefits of having a professional website than not having one and many law firms are doing better than before.
The competition towards generating more clients by creating attractive websites is rising and excelling above the rest. You will need the help of professional web developers to stay relevant in the market.
We at Law-Logic provide high-end services to develop websites for new law firms as well as renovating existing ones. We help design a fresh and unique website for your law firm with the creative use of sophisticated tools and tech-savvy engineers.
Websites let your clients perform self-service. By going through your page content, they will have some idea about your work ethics and the services you provide without you having to explain it to every prospect manually. This saves you precious interacting time, and you can further make your business easier to manage.
With added features such as live chats, FAQs, direct contact links and offers for signing in, it will not only make it easier for clients to book an appointment, but it will also ease organizing your schedules.
Customized Services – There are readymade templates available for free but if your website looks like every other law firm website, the chances of you standing out and generating prospects get slim. We provide customized web design to reflect your company and its unique features. From logo design to call to action features, we will have everything designed especially for your company.
Quick Loading – Paying attention to the site loading time is another feature that makes an active website. Slow loading pages tend to turn-off viewers because everyone is impatient on the internet. We use a cloud hosting technique to make your site lighter to load so that your clients do not miss out on any webpage. A quick loading page also rates higher or search engines, and we know that the higher the rate in search engines, the more views, and more clients.
Easily Accessible – An easily accessible website generates more views and business prospects. We keep each web page consistent, organized and informative so that clients do not get distracted by other pages and advertisements.
Quality Content – We place a high priority on the content of the site. Your reputation depends on it so when clients see that there is quality content, they are most likely to continue browsing and eventually be convinced to buy-in. We also focus on SEO and SEM campaigns to provide greater leverage to attorneys and law firms.
Responsive Website Design – Using responsive design is also an integral part of our service. It allows your law firm website to be compatible with mobile devices and increase the percentage of web traffic. Your potential clients will be able to access your site from mobiles, laptops, desktop and tablets and smartphones.
If you feel that the services we provide suit your interest and expanding your company and improving the quantity of marketing your services are your goal, leave a message or call us.