If you are looking to begin blogging and don’t know much HTML, then Google’s blogging website Blogger.com is your best bet. By learning just a little HTML during the process of setting up your blog, you will be able to customize your blog to your liking. While it is true that Blogger.com doesn’t offer certain features that veteran bloggers need. However, for the novice, it is a wonderful, free option that can be integrated into a personal website later if need be.
As Blogger.com just went of Beta, it’s testing period, it is better than ever. No longer do you have to remember to officially publish your post. It is automatically published once you hit the publish button. At the same time, you still have the option to save posts that aren’t quite ready for prime time. In addition, the new incarnation of blogger runs more smoothly and provides more options when it comes to templates for your blog. Fortunately for veteran Blogger.com users, you can opt to continue the use of your old template.
Even though there are great new templates, they are still very much customizable as the old ones. While HTML comes in handy when customizing a template (whether new or old), you don’t need to have in-depth knowledge of the language in order to successfully achieve the desired effect for your blog. In many cases, you can get a feeling for the HTML layout simply by reading the headings provided.
Whether you desire to customize your blog or not, there are better reasons to join Blogger.com.
First of all, not only does it provide an opportunity to create your own blog, but it also provides easy access to all of the other Blogger.com blogs on the Internet. Each member has a header bar at the top of his or her blog that provides an easy way to read random blogs. If you don’t like the current selection, just hit the “next blog” button. You will be surprised at what you might come across. You might just come across something of interest to your own readers.
In addition to providing a great network of individuals, Blogger.com now allows you to access its features using your Google.com sign-in and password. It is just one more reason why Google.com is quickly becoming the most popular choice for people who want to create their own home on the Internet. If you happen to investigate Google’s customizable homepage, you will notice that Blogger.com is just but one of many Google services.
While Yahoo! has its own free blogging software in Yahoo 360, it doesn’t compare. Yahoo 360 doesn’t offer much in the way of customization and you don’t have the option to play with the HTML. By not being able to change the HTML, bloggers don’t have the ability to truly add any features or change the format of the blog. For these reasons, Blogger is your best bet for a comprehensive, free blog. As you become more familiar with the software, it becomes much less of a task to add a new feature, picture, or blog roll to your site.