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Website Hosting and Maintenance

By December 16, 2018March 24th, 2020Managed Hosting, Promotional, Website Hosting

LineLogic Digital Agency’s Website Hosting and Maintenance and Why You Need It

When running a website, the idea of managing or operating it on your own will be your first instinct. The thing is, this is a typical thought process that is often wrong. Unless you are a very techy individual and running a very small business, then it becomes a “maybe.” For everyone else, it’s a lot better to simply outsource the job. There are plenty of reasons for this, and below are just a few of the crucial ones.

Why Go for WordPress Maintenance Service

photo of IT engineer at modern data center

LineLogic IT engineer working on a laptop in server room at modern data center

  • Lowers Operating Costs – Effectively managing your own website can be a costly endeavor. In most cases, you will need to hire system admins, database admins, and other supporting staffs to help manage the servers. Then, you will also need to hire other staffs like trainers to get your new hires up to date with your system. From this picture, it’s easy to see why managing your own hosting can be expensive. Unless you have a huge tech company that hiring the staff is justifiable, then outsourcing the job is typically the better option.
  • Expertise – Your business is most likely not in the web hosting industry. In most cases, you are running a website because as a support system for your primary business. In such cases, managing a website is typically not the expertise of the business. Without expertise, this can lead to problems and difficulties. It will take time and money to fix these potential problems through trial and error. You can skip all that by hiring web hosting professionals. You can then save time and money and put more focus on your core business.
  • Security – One of the responsibilities of a managed hosting company is taking care of the security needs of your website. Running audits, spam filtering, operating system updates, firewall management and virus scanning are already shouldered by the company.
  • Website Monitoring – Your website is the online portal to your business. If something goes wrong with the website, it becomes inaccessible and if it will take hours for anyone in your company to notice, then you could have crucial business opportunities. Hiring a company to manage your website means round the clock monitoring to ensure that everything is in tip-top shape. If ever problems occur, it can be caught in just seconds or minutes and fixed immediately.
  • 24/7 Support – If you are going to opt for “in-house” website management, then it’s likely that your staff will only clock-in during the regular daytime working schedules. But what if you need the support of your staff in the middle of the night? Then, you likely have to wait. With managed hosting, the company typically provides you a 24/7 support which can be contacted through various mediums.
  • Peace of Mind – Perhaps the most significant benefit of opting for a managed web hosting is peace of mind. Think about it; you don’t need to worry about anything that’s related to your website as you know there are professionals monitoring and doing the necessary work to keep your website running smoothly.

Line Logic Digital Agency’s Website Hosting and Maintenance Includes:

  • Website Cloud Hosting – One of the newest things when it comes to website hosting. It allows for easier management of the website for every party that is involved. Also, it leads to faster load times no matter which part of the user is accessing your website.
  • Website Backups – Everyone knows that having backups is crucial. And yet, only a small portion is actually doing it. One big reason for this is because it’s a tedious and boring job. Thankfully, you can just let LineLogic Digital Agency deal with it and have the peace of mind that your data and assets are safely backed-up regularly.
  • Website Updates – Updating your website is crucial for countless reasons, from improving security to eliminating glitches. On the downside, it’s a task that is often overlooked. Let LineLogic Digital Agency handle it so you can cross this one off the “to-do” list.
  • Website Optimization – Optimizing your website can greatly help in clearing all of the annoying bugs and glitches. It also smoothens everything from load times to a cleaner web profile.
  • Website Security – Not a lot of people realize how crucial website security is. Imagine, you get hacked, and all of your sensitive information is accessed. Dealing with potential lawsuits from the government and customers is just one of the problems that will be heading your way. Furthermore, website security is a cat-and-mouse game between the malicious individuals and the security team. This means you need to be on the cutting edge to keep your website secure. LineLogic Digital Agency can do all this for you.
  • On-Page SEO – Ranking higher in the search engines is an excellent opportunity to gain more customers and increase the bottom line. LineLogic Digital Agency can help you optimize the on-page factors of your website to ensure it gets the attention it deserves.
  • Website Break-Fix – Websites typically break-down regularly. This is often caused by data corruption and incompatibility. In most cases, you need to know about the website’s coding to fix these kinds of errors. Thankfully, you don’t need to as LineLogic Digital Agency can do it for you.
  • Website Changes – LineLogic Digital Agency can help you with any website changes that you want. There’s no need to hassle yourself on such a menial task. Let the company do it for so you can invest your time in more productive areas.

Your website is the “front” of your company in the digital world. You simply can’t afford in cutting corners and risking the status of your website. Thankfully, you don’t need to go through all the hassles and you can just keep your peace of mind with LineLogic Digital Agency’s website hosting and maintenance.