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Turn Key Self-Promoting Solution Guide

By July 18, 2020Marketing
Celebrating Promotion

So, you have this unparalleled product/service but have no map to dominate the industry. Having a magical treasure chest left by a pirate such as “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest” would be very advantageous, if you are in Hollywood this may be possible. For the rest of us who are not “Jack Sparrow” (played by Johnny Depp), unfortunately, will need to stick to other bona fide resources. A cost effective approach (aka penny pinching) is not a negative term in the business industry today, rather a business lifesaver. In the words of Robert Kiyosaki, “Over the years I have found that many of the richest people in the world began their lives with the habit of tithing.”
Here are some key tips to keep within the habit of tithing and also promote your product/service:

1. Word of Mouth:

Yes, this is still the number one resource for advertising. In fact, this is the first concept that business students are taught at universities today- oral advertising. Basically, “word of mouth” is all about making your customers satisfied. Not only does this increase retention it also allows those satisfied customers to spread the word about your company. It is important to note that word of mouth is not only an aftermath of a good complaint. By saying this, I mean that a customer can call customer service with a bad issue about a product/service and it depends on your customer service to turn the bad complaint/issue into something positive. For example, a customer calls your customer service department about an issue with a boxed product that did not contain a specific listed item. The customer can be enraged at the point of contact; the resolution is the part that is important. A solution to this issue would be to tell the enraged customer that the company will “overnight” the missing item at no charge to the customer. A bad event can always turn into something positive as long as there is good customer relationship management involved. Satisfied customers will tell friends and those friends will become more business in the future. Even if those friends don’t come into the company, they will spread the news to others.

2. Events:

Each city has many events such as conventions, chamber of commerce meetings, city council meetings, and many more available for free. Take advantage of these free social meetings and get to know the people in your community. Networking has and always will be an important part of business, take advantage of the free opportunities out there to your company. While at these meetings or events, talk to as many people that you can get the attention of and talk about anything. The conversation does not have to be strictly about business, any connection with a professional in the area is beneficial.

3. Collect Business Cards:

Skip the Pokeman Collection cards, become a business card collector. Business cards are seen in most business industries today such as banks, parts and supplies stores, schools and et cetera. These business cards can start up a wonderful business directory for future usage. These can be used for future usage in direct mailing lists, networking, invitations events that you are hosting, and et cetera.

4. Volunteer:

Along with the personal feeling that you helped improve your society, volunteering as a company broadens your professional network along with visibility in your community and field.

5. Joint-ventures:

Joint-ventures are a staggering idea to marketing without breaking your budget. Basically, find a business or businesses that compliment your business product or service. For example, an ad agency can partner with a publishing company to increase awareness visibility in the community. The ad agency then can take all of its publishing needs to the partner company and the publishing company can promote the ad agency to its customers. Everyone wins the two business owners and the customers.

6. Media Coverage:

Write to local newspapers, magazines, and et cetera to get more coverage that is free. Local newspapers (along with other local publications) are always looking for new and interesting stories from local businesses. An example of a story that could be sent to a local newspaper is how your company is expecting to volunteer to make a difference in the industry your company is involved. Magazines are another great free publicity opportunity that is right at your fingertips. Look for industry related magazines; they are out there just look. Call up the magazine head quarters and ask for the opportunity to write an article that will be published in the magazine – it is free.

7. Make a website:

Costs of hosting a website today is much cheaper than most people think it is. Shop around for cost-effective web-hosting companies and start up your own website. For most consumers, a company website is the first point of contact in this new age world. Simple user-friendly software is available from many retail locations around the nation; it is just the point of purchasing the software and taking the time to create your own website portal. It is also possible to hire a website design company to create the skeleton of your website. To reduce over all costs, ask the website design company to do all major design work and you can complete the minor details by yourself.

Since the evolution of Marketing there have been four contrasting eras because of technical advances, heightened competition, expanding demand, and other factors. These four eras are “Production-Orientation Era”, “Sales-Orientation Era”, “Marketing-Orientation Era”, and finally “Societal Marketing-Orientation Era”. We are now in the “Societal Marketing-Orientation Era” that demands companies to not only produce and supply products/services for consumers but also supply to the demand of social responsibility. Social responsibility is when a company provides welfare for the society instead of just solely being committed to an increase of profit over expenditures. A lucid example would be the continuing support of McDonalds to the Olympics, year after year. McDonalds is making a statement that supports world peace, promoting exercise and the importance of nationality. Therefore, it is recommended to keep social responsibility in your plan for a good turn key solution to your marketing needs.